How School Appeals can help you
The decision of the Independent Appeal Panel will depend on the case put forward by you together with the school or admission authority.
This is why it is crucial for you to put together the best possible case. School Appeals can help you do this.
- School Appeals will provide practical help and advice to you as parents/guardians involved with independent appeals for your children.
- We supply you with comprehensive guidance that covers all aspects of the appeal process and tells you what to expect.
- We unpick the relevant legislation for you, and show you how this will affect your case.
- We show you how to prepare evidence and how to construct a better case.
We help you have the confidence to approach the appeals process in a way that improves your chances of success.
School Appeals believes that knowledge breeds confidence and so we will share the knowledge and experience gained over a period of nearly 20 years to give you the best chance of winning your appeal.
School Appeals will help you with every aspect of the appeal process so that you are better equipped to deal with any issue that might arise.
There are different types of appeal depending on the age of your child and the type of school that you are applying for. As far as you are concerned you will want what you consider to be the best school for your child but the approach for your application and subsequent appeal will differ depending on who has made the decision. For many schools it will be the local authority that made the decision but with the number of schools converting to Academy status increasing, the number of decisions made by a school governing body is also increasing. Despite the fact that the School Admissions Code requires admission arrangements to be clear, fair and objective, the Schools Adjudicator has expressed concerns that some admission authorities are using increasingly complex admission criteria to determine successful applications. School Appeals will question and challenge any criteria that breaches the School Admissions Code.
School Appeals will help you with every aspect of the appeal process so that you are better equipped to deal with any issue that might arise.
The average national success rate for normal prejudice appeals is 1 in 3. The success rate for School Appeals is 2 in 3, thereby increasing your chances of success by 100%. Therefore why not use School Appeals to help with your appeal.
If you have any concerns about whether you should use School Appeals take a look at some of the testimonials left by previous users of the service.
Remember School Appeals’ motto: Your School Your Choice.